Actualités : journée d’étude “New Research at the Karian Sanctuary of Zeus Labraundos”
Date / lieu : 2 février 2016 / Istanbul
Programme de la journée d’étude
09h30-09h50 Olivier Henry (ENS-AOROC / IFEA)
Water(s) at Labraunda
09h50-10h10 Felipe Rojas (Université de Brown) : The Monumental Fountains of Labraunda : Thoughts on Location, Form, Chronology and Access
10h10-10h30 Ayşe Henry and Christophe Bost (IFEA) : East Bath at Labraunda : Preliminary Results and Emerging Questions
10h30-10h50 Ömür ÇAKMAKLI (Université de Karabük) : Reconfiguring or reproducing ? : The process of a Water Complex at Labraunda
10h50-11h00 Discussion
11h00-11h20 Pause
Territory of Labraunda
11h20-11h40 Axel Frejman (Université d’Uppsala) : The surroundings of Labraunda 2015
11h40-12h00 Baptiste Vergnaud (LaScArBx, Koç RCAC) : The Hellenistic Period at the Labraunda Acropolis Fortress
12h00-12h20 Olivier Henry (ENS-AOROC UMR8546) : Necropoleis of Labraunda and its monumental tomb
12h20-12h30 Discussion
12h30-14h00 Pause déjeuner
Material culture and Identity
14h30-14h50 Pontus Hellstrom : The Andrones. Some notes and observations on their architecture
14h50-15h10 Jesper Blid Kullberg (Lund University) : Hekatomnid architectural sculpture: the anta capitals of the Andrones
15h10-15h30 Ragnar Hedlund (Université d’Uppsala) : The Sanctuary and the social game: further studies of the Temple terrace in the Roman age
15h30-15h30 Pause
15h30-15h50 Vasilica Lungu (Institute of Southeast European Studies, Romanian Academy) : Les céramiques de Labraunda, marqueurs des transformations du sanctuaire de l’époque hellénistique à la période byzantine
15h50-16h10 Agneta Freccero : Labraunda Marbles, provenance and Trade
16h10-16h30 Discussion
16h30 Réception
19h30 Evening Lecture : The Andrones at Labraunda. Buildings for elite dining and receptions by Prof. Pontus Hellström
Programme de la journée à télécharger.
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