Carnuntum: Epigraphy from the Danube Limes
Date. Mardi 31 janvier 2023 de 17h00 à 19h00
Lieu. salle Reinach – MOM – entrée par l’Université de Lyon2 – 86 rue Pasteur – Lyon 7e et en visio
Présentation par Franziska Beutler, Universität Wien
Carnuntum, the capital of Pannonia superior, situated on the strategically important crossroad of the Amber Route and Limes became one of the most important places along the Danube. For four centuries a legionary as well as an auxiliary fortress secured the border, while the city of Carnuntum flourished. Of course, Carnuntum is rich of epigraphical finds. In this seminar new discoveries will be presented as well as new thoughts on older inscriptions. You will be introduced to a new member of the classis praetoria Misenensis, to a military diploma belonging to two recipients or to a sarcophagus with brilliantly preserved paintings. New geodynamic research showed that Carnuntum not only had two but three amphitheatres. Therefore, the purpose of the two known building inscriptions for amphitheatres have to be reconsidered. A fancy addition to the epigraphic landscape of Carnuntum are the fakes mainly presented by private owners which will be shown in this seminar, too.
– lien de connexion ZOOM (code : 7s7mbj)
– programme 2022-2023
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reainfo (27 janvier 2023). Carnuntum: Epigraphy from the Danube Limes. Actualités des études anciennes. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse